• Lack of documentation of voice/data environment
  • Duplicate services and billing
  • Expanded Inventory to maintain through company consolidation
  • Limited IT resources available to manage the carrier environment


  • Black Box Carrier Managed Services


  • Optimization of voice/data service management
  • Accurate inventory of voice and data services
  • Shift of management burden off internal IT staff


  • Cost recovery of hundreds of thousands/year
  • Increased visibility and intelligence for better business decision-making
  • Freedom to shift internal resources to other business priorities


Disconnects in Carrier Management and Cost Recovery
While the business used a telecom expense management system, its voice and data environment was not well documented, with no clear way to correlate existing services and usage with monthly expenses. This problem was exacerbated by several factors. Replacement circuits were being ordered without subsequent disconnects, resulting in duplicate billing and expense to the business. Consolidation of several business units into a single entity increased the circuits and vendor relationships requiring oversight by an IT department already working near capacity. The business needed a more effective means of managing its carrier environment and ensuring both cost recovery and operational efficiency.


Optimized Voice and Data Service Management
Working in parallel with the IT team, Black Box is providing carrier managed services that optimize management of voice and data services to expand the savings potential for the business and provide better service to all business locations and end users. Through this relationship, the business now maintains a well-organized inventory of voice and data services mapped to monthly invoices.


Improved Visibility for Significant Cost Recovery
Black Box has saved the business hundreds of thousands of dollars in the first year of the engagement on an annual spend of approximately $8 million with their carrier partners. Black Box is on track to save the business several additional hundreds of thousands of dollars during the second year of the engagement.


Optimized Management of the Voice/Data Environment
With Black Box not only managing all quoting and ordering processes, but also validating connectivity options for new locations for access diversity, the manufacturer has reduced the burden on its IT department, established a 'cleaner' voice and data environment, and given its business management unit much greater visibility into the voice and data service inventory and usage.


Improved Cost Efficiency and Business Decision-Making
The business now can efficiently validate charges before paying their service providers and has realized additional savings by eliminating recurring late payment charges. Moreover, the business management unit now is positioned to make better-informed decisions for digital transformation that supports the most pressing business initiatives. With Black Box Carrier Managed Services in place, the business is free to focus on higher-level decision-making


Expanding Optimization and Cost Savings with Black Box
Having realized substantial carrier cost savings through its work with Black Box, the manufacturer is considering expansion into management of mobility devices, cloud service providers, and SaaS licensing.

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Industry: Manufacturing & Industrial,

Services: Managed Services, Carrier Services,

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