Top 10 Blog Posts for 2021

Thank you to all our readers over the past year.

2021 was a big year for change, including in the IT world. Here's a list, in descending order, of the blogs you read most over the past year. No surprise at number one is our blog on the Great 2021 Supply-Chain Disruption. Enjoy and let us know what you'd like to see in the coming year.

  1. 10. E-9-1-1 Compliance: A Hard Deadline for Softphones
    Giving everyone the ability to dial 9-1-1 directly are what Kari's Law and RAY BAUM's Act are all about. Passed in 2018 and 2019 (respectively), both have staggered compliance deadlines that began in 2020. The last compliance deadline is January 6, 2022. Here's what you need to know.

  2. 9. Beyond a Return to Work: Creating Modern Spaces to Collaborate (Part 1 of 3)
    As employees shift to hybrid on-site and virtual work weeks, companies need to create new meeting paradigms that promote collaboration while accommodating social distancing and hybrid work schedules. Take a look at the Role of the Room.

  3. 8. Embracing the Benefits of IoT
    Business-savvy professionals are embracing the benefits of IoT for its potential to accelerate digital transformation and propel businesses forward. If your business is on the path to digital transformation, then it's a good idea to make IoT part of your plan too.

  4. 7. Rethinking — and Treating — the Home Office as a Branch Location
    According to Pew Research, pre-pandemic, approximately 20 percent of employees worked from home. During the pandemic, that percentage rocketed to 71 percent. Of those remote workers, about 54 percent want to continue working from home — and companies are listening.

  5. 6. 5G: Time to Take the Buzz Seriously
    Everyone's talking about 5G. But what is 5G? When will you get 5G? What does 5G mean for you? 5G is going to change your life, maybe slowly and imperceptibly at first. But it will impact everything mobile from how you stream video to how you interact with "smart" things.

  6. 5. 7 Trends in Post-COVID AV and How It Is Shaping the Hybrid Workplace      
    Returning to the office seems like a daunting, but inevitable, conclusion for employees who have spent many, many months working from home due to the pandemic. Here are seven technologies that are transforming the workplace.

  7. 4. The Challenges of Global Multisite Deployments
    While it may seem "simple" to deploy and install IT infrastructure for digital transformation within one location, driving rapid change and infrastructure installation across dispersed company sites can prove to be quite a challenge. That's where a global multisite deployment comes in.

  8. 3. Faster. Farther. Better. Wi-Fi Standards Explained
    This tutorial will decipher the alphabet soup of the Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) standards and describe how they have evolved over the years and what they mean in terms of speeds and feeds from the original 2 Mbps to 10.53 Gbps and what is the difference between Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5?

  9. 2. What Is SD-WAN and Why Is It So Important?
    These days, there's a lot of buzz about SD-WAN and for good reason. The SD-WAN market is exploding alongside the growth of edge computing and digital transformation. But what is it and how will it affect you? Get the answers in part one of our posts on SD-WAN technology.

  10. 1. Backordered: The Impact of the Great 2021 Supply-Chain Disruption
    Last year, the big shortage was toilet paper. This year? Everything. PCs, electronics, cars, gaming consoles, appliances, gas, metal, and, yes, even toilet paper. "Everywhere You Look, The Global Supply Chain is a Mess" (WSJ, 3/18/21). That pretty much sums it up.

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