Digital Transformation: Insight Into Getting It Right

This IDC InfoBrief details how organizations are leveraging digital transformation opportunities and initiatives to transform customer and employee experiences.

Communications technology has the opportunity to delight customers and greatly improve employee productivity and should, therefore, be a key element of companies’ digital transformation journeys.

For many companies, the digital transformation of their enterprise communications is just beginning. However, recent research indicates that they are prioritizing employee productivity as the main driver of their Digital Transformation initiatives, followed closely by customer experience.

To make communications a foundation of their digital transformation and a key driver of their business results, IDC recommends that organizations should focus on the following key areas:

  1. Focus on both employee productivity and customer experience.
    By optimizing use of communications technologies, enterprises stand to improve employee productivity and efficiency. Companies should build on this by expanding their digital communications alternatives for customers as well. Getting employees trained on and using these tools internally is a great way to lay the groundwork for providing a better customer experience.
  2. Help employees use unified communications tools effectively.
    Putting the right unified communications tools in place is just the start. The real benefits come when employees begin using these tools consistently and effectively. Digital Transformation initiatives need to include plans for training employees and securing their adoption. Look into embedding communications directly into business processes for improving both employee efficiency and customer experience.
  3. Keep the human touch.
    Consumers are open-minded about automation’s involvement in their customer service experience, but only as long as this technology is an enabler and not an obstacle to connecting with a live specialist when warranted. Be sure to design technology-enhanced customer experience with these criteria in mind.
  4. Integrate the back office with the front office.
    Ultimately, customer experience is only as good as the back office. Companies should seek to transform how they interact with customers by connecting internal and external processes, and eliminating service silos.
  5. Don't forget about the basics when transforming the customer experience.
    Very few companies are achieving the level of customer experience they require for a truly satisfied and loyal customer base. Leverage technology to help deliver on fundamental satisfaction drivers such as quick issue resolution and connection to knowledgeable, empowered service personnel. And keep on top of the latest technologies to further facilitate an exceptional customer experience.

Report methodology:
This report was compiled by IDC and was sponsored by Avaya. The findings in this Infobrief derive directly from IDC’s January 2018 study of:

  • The current state of communications technology in the enterprise
  • Key challenges to successful use of this technology
  • Differences in impressions between IT and Line-of-Business (LOB) professionals
  • The impact of communications technology, usage, and policies on customers and their satisfaction levels
  • To learn more about how companies are leveraging digital transformation, download the infobrief.

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