Now is the Time for a Managed Service Provider

How are IT professionals managing the explosion of technology and growing business demands on IT?

The answer is a managed services provider (MSP).

As more and more organizations are experiencing greater pressure on their IT infrastructure as well as business model, they are turning to third-party managed service providers to help them drive transformation at the intelligent digital edge, enable business outcomes, and to simply keep the lights on. One study reports that 42% of CIOs are concerned that they are missing the IT expertise or scale to adopt new technology, such as wireless or IoT, especially in complex or highly distributed facilities. MSPs have the expertise to step in where organizations don’t want to tread, for multiple reasons.

Enterprises are looking for MSPs that provide a range of capabilities, the latest digital technologies, and cost-effective solutions. Today’s IT professionals want to power innovation, but are often hampered by constraints beyond their control, such as shrinking IT staffs, a growing skills gap, tighter budgets, and less time to deliver new technologies.

MSPs take the pressure off so IT managers can focus on strategic projects. According to CompTIA survey of IT professionals, “Nearly 64% of organizations are using managed services for at least one IT function” or reason, such as:

  • Improve efficiency and reliability of operations
  • Enhance security and compliance
  • Take a proactive approach to maintenance
  • RoI
  • Enable staff to work on strategic projects
  • Provide access to new technologies
  • Fill in for the lack of in-house staff for certain functions
  • Predictable pricing

The demand for MSPs is increasing every year, regardless of why organizations choose to use them. Of companies that do use managed services, 47% brought new technology to market faster and 42% experienced an increase in business agility. But those are just two measures.

Contrary to what you may think, MSPs can actually help organizations reduce costs, especially in the management of legacy systems. An IDC study suggested that 36% of the companies surveyed reduced IT costs significantly while 52% said they improved employee productivity.

The key to success is to leverage an MSP to complement your IT organization in terms of delivering new technical expertise and managing technology.

If you’re considering using a MSP, consider Black Box. Enterprises trust and rely on us to manage their daily operations from help desk support and monitoring devices to deploying the latest security technology overnight at hundreds of locations across the country. From simple on-demand requests to complex projects, we have the processes, deep technical expertise, and global footprint to design, deploy, and manage IT.

Here’s more information on our comprehensive Edge Services.

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